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  • Position : General Overseer and Founder
  • Date of Birth: October 30, 1974


The Mandate

I grew up in delta state and had my training from the assemblies of God church, delta district, Before going to Lagos. When I came into Lagos, I refuse, going into ministry rather I went into business.

In 1996 1998 I joined a ministry just to avoid answering God's calling on my life, but with the aim to work as an evangelist, unfortunately that ministry was closed down, I joined another ministry just to run away from the call again, so in July 1998 I was ordination.
I went into full time business in 2000, I was also making way to travel to south Korea when I had an encounter and received a mandate to start up the ministry. Then i was worshipping now with another church, the pastor that took me to a mountain Called Agelete Mountain At Ogun State In Nigeria, there i encountered the power of God and the prophet in- charge of the mountain (Adeyomo) gave me a prophecy concerning starting up my own because being under another ministry is like covering the glory (light) of God in me., but i was adamant about it ,i wanted to spend three days at the mountain but I ended up spending three months, from three months, i spent six months and extended it to nine months, almost a year. All i was doing was just praying and Fasting, I was also Praying for others, eventually i became one of the son's of the prophet that prays for people.

In. 2003 i began a prayer meeting In my house, there was a friend named brother Barnabas, who had a sister that was possessed by the spirit of the devil, By the grace of God, she was delivered at the prayer ministry. He also brought a man that was having 19 years barrenness And the yoke was broken. he brought another man that have financial problem and God restored them and they relocated to Abuja.


So, my house could no longer contain the people. Then we move to a brother's house also his house could not contain the people, We now use another person's house Who is now one of our branch pastor named Pst. Julius, We were using his flats. Both of us were also planning to travel to south korea for business. People we brought in for prayer all traveled, but we could not., but i knew what was wrong with us, earlier before now, God had told me, he didn't ask me to travel, he wanted me to win souls for him. God gave me revelation, during my stay at the mountain, in that revelation i had a net by a river side and people were drowning in the river, i would throw the net into the river So people that were drowning will hold on to the net for safety and I rescue, That's how i discovered my deliverance ministry.

Everything about my business went down from 2004 - 2005. So i closed the business, my electronics shops precisely then i was sustaining with the supermarkets, which i have people managing it for me..one of my sisters was one of my managers. With various staffs working, people knew we sell anything, sellable at the store we had here in lagos. So after all the issues with the business, i moved to face the ministry and surrendered totally to God, i asked the lord to use me to his glory.


During one of my evangelical outreaches, i met a man that was looking for a child for the past five years, according to him, he was coming from a native doctor house. And said the native doctor told him to give his place for church to worship That God would bless him, So he saw me preaching in a bus stop and He stood just watching me. After i finished preaching, i wanted to go with my bell and bible, He walked up to me and asked if i had a place where i worship, I said no. He said, do we need a place for your church? I said yes. We went together and He showed me an uncompleted building And he said, if i can clear it, i can come and start my ministry, That was in 2004 And we started the ministry. @ NO 9 st. Mary isashi, ogoluwa bus stop. It was actually the house of the landlord and he is still living in the house till date. So we stayed there two years and God visited the man's wife and she put to bed, the man said of a true God truly called me, Great miracles happened in that place A man that have asthma was healed, our numbers also increased.


I went back to the mountain, mountain of mercy At osun state and spent one year in mountain of mercy, hoping to hear, when is the time, also to clarify about God's leading concerning opening the church. so i have the mandate in 2007 to open the church.
So the next thing was how to commence, knowing that the landlord of where we are using wanted his place back, After series of prayers at the venue, that place was liberated. He got breakthrough too and wanted to complete the building., i had to go back to God and ask him where do we go from here and he provide a place at NO 2 Ajose street. Cele- Nica, November 2007, we went into a property with an already existing building by his grace. We worshiped there for seven years Eventually, the owner of the place told us he gave us the property for free (verbal agreement), but when we entered there as a church, there was huge development and blessing, the owner changed his mind and came back and demanded back the place. It led to serious issues and church crises that led to the burning down of our church. Everything we had for seven years was burned down we did not take away any property from there, this happened on a Friday and the next day a wedding was holding (Saturday) but during the crises God has provided this our recent site, so he asked us to go and start from there

He said to me "You have your land already, Now wait for me there and start from there". And i could remember we were 68 in number at the first service, the service held on a First Sunday of April 2014.
So, that's where we are. This is just a brief history of how the church started. I can't say it's has been very rosy. It has been years of labor, at times it involves working day and night, it requires your strength also your finances.
We started from a bare and neutral ground, we didn't go to any ministry for help, I didn't break any ministry to start up my own, i didn't borrow from any ministry, i didn't beg any ministry. We all depend on God's grace. And all the things you are seeing now today, it's just the grace of God.
As a prophet am not that of a social person i am kind of very reserved, i don't know how to visit people. I don't know how to raise money. I don't suck people just to get away with their money. But, whenever i need anything, i turn it to God and he makes the provision.

By grace i have spent three and a half years in different mountains. If you talk about any mountain in the western states, it will be few that have not entered. Starting from Osun state, to Ekiti state, Ogun state, and oyo state, just seeking the face of God. it travelled to Abuja, and one of the places i went to in Lugbe, i was asking somebody, where is the mountain here, all I wanted was just to pray, I become a mountain person, that's why we have the prayer strategies department in the church, which is quite different from other dimensions and department of the church, through those mountain i have gotten series of encounters. It was one of the encounters that God showed me a net, and when i threw the net, people were using the net to climb up from the ocean preventing them from getting drown. There i knew i was called into the deliverance ministry and a pure raw prophetic grace, along side, with a dynamic word ministry.

The Assemblies of God gave me the base of the word and taught me morality, that why until I married no lady comes to visit me, It's only by the grace of God that has made me who I am today not my power And i will admonish every man of God that is having a calling, to truly seek the face of God. Because if God truly calls you, you cannot be stranded. There is a lot of confusion everywhere now in ministries. Before i ever answer my call, i start serving in a ministry from 1996, service to God makes men in life and destiny.

It was my pregnancy that brought my MOTHER into Pentecostal, she was a staunch catholic and according to her, when she was pregnant, they told her this child can only be delivered through operation (CS) and then CS was rare to do. They didn't understand what it meant. And those days we had few India & Chinese doctors in Nigeria. So she was scared to go through the operation. She was scared whether she will die, She was invited to the assemblies of God church the first day she entered the church, they were preaching from the book of first Samuel, she said vividly they were talking about Hanna and Samuel and how Hanna made a vow, that if God can give her this child, he will abide with him forever at the temple So when they called for altar call she went to give her life to Christ and she also made a vow and said, if i give birthday without cs, i will give this child back to you and he will be a servant of God. The call has been on me right from my primary and secondary school days, i am usually called doctor. Which is a prophetic word of who i will be today, another name they call me was pastor. When growing up i was thinking maybe because we go to church often, from church to the house and to school, because that was my life, i was thinking, that's why I'm been called doctor, But it's beyond that, i never knew it was a mandate and destiny they are seeing.

Also when i was growing up, when i saw the life of pastors, i saw suffering, every Saturdays as a teenager, we'd go and fetch water and fire wood for them. They were really suffering. The richest pastor at that time is a bicycle owner, from the village i came from You hardly see anyone that drive even machine, talk less of a car, nobody wants to be a pastor. I have that perspective from the onset Not to be a pastor. They were suffering, They fast and look lean, they don't have time for social life. I unconsciously was also walking along that perspective. I thank God my mother saw it before she passed into glory.


I thanks God that the church has taken a balance, by the grace of God, in the next five years, my vision is to carry this same ministry, this same gospel, and this same mandate all over the globe.

My first target is to reach the four (4) conner's of the earth. My Lessons I Have Learnt In Ministry
1. There are some things God will not tell you verbally you have to use your initiatives to act, Until you act, nothing will happen.
2. Don't give your all to those who are not interest in God and the kingdom, one of the mistakes, i will say i made at the early years of this ministry, we gave our all to people's service. The people who we were giving our all to, they didn't give their second to God. We are giving all our prayers, but they never reason us for a second.
We fast blindly without no food for them, we have nothing to break with and they don't care, a whole lot . But it like a learning period for me, part of what is written about me and a script i must act.


It Wasn't my dream To open up a ministry, if not the calling on me,i see a lot of ministers today, they want to open ministry for various reasons, some are for money and fame.
What i want to encourage young minister to know is that money will come at its own and when that time comes, you will just see it coming just like you open
up a tap. You don't need much effort that time, but there are times and period to waiting and preparation, That is the time of labor you might think the whole world is against you, even your family, nobody will believe in you. Nobody will want to associate with you. But if you are patient, you will see the blessing thereof. God is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him. He is the one and has the power to bless. And what you need also at that time is wisdom, not just carnal wisdom, godly wisdom, Deuteronomy 8:18, it said, i am the lord god who gives you power to make wealth. So he's the only one that can make you. No man can make, And we must know that because many young ministers today are running up and down. Even Mentor can't make you, Your spiritual father can't make you. It's only God that can make you. They are only there to be A guide to the assignment.
And that's why i'm thanking God every day for My spiritual father Pastor Biodun Oke, He's truly a father. i met him at mountain of mercy i have known him since 2006, But i came in contact with him one on one in 2011.
And when I spoke to him, daddy, i want you to be my father and my mentor from today. And he looked at me and He said, let me go and pray about it. Then Late Reverend dr. Emmanuel Elumogbo took me by my hand the second time, to him. So the journey began from there in 2012, one of the greatest assignments was that papa came and he wedded me. I got married February 4, 2012. And today i'm blessed with three lovely daughters (THE ELLA'S) My First daughter is Emmanuella, Second is Daniela and the Third is Gabriella
By God's grace we have parishes in Lagos, Ogun state, We have representatives of our ministries, and also established prayer center in all over the world such as Dubai, Scotland, London, in Valencia - Spain., America, Togo, Germany, Zambia South Africa, Zimbabwe, Canada and Ghana by the grace of God, these are places where i can call and get respond. Am also foreseeing those places as official & permanent centers

Thanks and God bless you.